Sauerbraten recipies
Sauerbraten recipies

sauerbraten recipies

If you enjoy reading old recipes as much as I do, I know you got a kick out of this one. Remove the meat and thicken the liquid in the pot with some flour to make gravy, adding more soaking liquid if you need to. Add a little more of the soaking liquid if you need to and continue cooking until the meat is as tender as you can get it. Turn heat down under the pot to low, cover the pot and let meat simmer very slowly until tender. When the meat is browned, leave in pot and add some of the soaking liquid into the pot, plus about 1 tablespoon of sugar, more or less depending on your taste. Heat a large cast iron pot and add shortening, then brown the meat on both sides. Dredge the meat in a mix of flour, salt, and pepper. Put a flat board or plate on the crock and let this stand in a cool dark closet or corner for 2 days. Add 1 onion cut up, 2 bay leaves, and about 4 or 5 peppercorns. Cover the roast with a mixture of half water and half vinegar. Place a roast in a small crock or a glass bowl. I hope you enjoy reading it, and maybe even give it a try and let us know how it turned out.

sauerbraten recipies sauerbraten recipies

You’ll notice that the recipe is written in the old fashioned manner, all in one paragraph. This is one of the recipes I enjoy hearing about. Even though we all have tweaked the recipes to fit more modern methods (even my grandmother), there are some authentic recipes that are just fun to read about, even if we rarely take the time to cook them. When I go to Germany to visit my family, I always love to spend time sitting around the kitchen table talking about old recipes.

Sauerbraten recipies